The theme for my year was “Against Abuse, For Recovery”. In 2019 i was appointed by the Lord Lieutenant, Michael More-Molyneux, to chair a Focus Group on Domestic Abuse. As a barrister in criminal practice from the 1970s-90s, and as a part-time and full-time judge until 2018, I was aware of the types of physical and mental abuse being perpetrated, mainly against women. I, and the members of the FG, met some of those in Surrey working to help victims. We visited the four Refuges, and organisations and charities helping victims, such as I Chose Freedom, YourSanctuary and the Women’s Support Centre in Woking, ESDAS in Reigate, Oasis in Cobham, the SCC Community Safety Team, and the Police. As High Sheriff, I wished to expand upon these contacts and give more assistance and recognition to them.

I again visited the Family Court and Her Honour Alison Raeside, the Designated Family Judge for Surrey, other judges, and discussed how the experience of complainants might be improved at Court. The Surrey Police are constantly striving to improve their handling of these cases, and give as much priority as they can to them. The officers in charge, Temp.Det.Supt. Matt Barcraft-Barnes and ACC Alison Barlow, were most helpful in keeping the Focus Group informed of the situation in the county regarding domestic abuse. I also had conversations with the Borough Commanders. More cases are being reported, though for varied reasons it’s a small proportion that result in a criminal conviction. I was told by prison governors that perhaps as many as 75% of make prisoners will have been a perpetrator, and about the same percentage of female prisoners will have been victims of it.

Baroness Helena Kennedy KC kindly came to the University of Surrey in October and gave an inspirational talk about how gradually there is more awareness of the serious problem of domestic violence, coercion and control, and violence against women. For over forty years she has been a leading campaigner for women in these areas and for women’s rights.

It is a sad fact that Covid and lockdowns saw an increase in abuse. Although more is being done to help victims, more resources are required, whether in the form of more refuges or extra counselling services. The adverse effects upon children are also of great concern. Court delays, resulting from Covid and the strike by the Criminal Bar, have not helped. But the Crown and Magistrate’s Courts strive to prioritise DA cases.

The second aspect of my theme led me to try and give help and recognition to those assisting people badly affected by the pandemic. So many have had their lives and normal routines upset. This has brought confusion and uncertainty. Jobs have disappeared, children have been disturbed by the lack of attendance at school. Teachers have had to cope with more difficulties regarding discipline in the classroom, noticeably even in Year 3. There has been an increase in problems with mental health among all ages. It is now more evident what strains and anxieties lockdown and Covid have brought. Again, the resources are inadequate, with a shortage of counsellors, mental health nurses and consultants. The work of EIKON, the Matrix Trust, Oakleaf, Catalyst, East to West, Emerge Advocacy, to name but a few, is vital.

At my Garden Party at the Veterinary School at the University of Surrey, twenty charities set up stalls. This meant my guests could meet those working for domestic abuse, mental health and other charities, and also make donations. I brought together at four dinners, people working respectively in domestic abuse; in environmental and sustainability areas; in the field of mental health and finally, in the area of education. The evenings provided the opportunity for discussion, the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and for future contact. There are so many talented people in our county, and it was a great pleasure to engage with them and enjoy hearing about their specialty.

My wife and I met so many kind people during my year; volunteers, part and full-time employees of charities, and those employed in the Emergency Services. It has been an uplifting experience, and I thank them all for their valuable work and their kind welcome to us. They deserve the thanks of all who live in Surrey for, without them, the hardship would be so much worse.

Event archive

Dinner for the Judiciary 2024 and the Launch of a Ground-Breaking New Initiative.

28 November 2024/by Andy Newbold

Supporting New Business – The Pirbright Clinic

15 November 2024/by Andy Newbold

Observing Surrey Police Officers at Work and the Challenges they Face – a Real Eye Opener.

8 October 2024/by Andy Newbold

Service for the Judiciary – 4th October 2024

5 October 2024/by Andy Newbold

An Inspiring Visit to Surrey Police

19 September 2024/by Andy Newbold

Surrey Fire & Rescue Service – 999 Day

11 September 2024/by Andy Newbold

Open Day at Reigate Fire Station

9 September 2024/by Andy Newbold

The High Sheriff helps to launch the ‘Prostate Project’s mobile PSA Blood Testing Clinic, or ‘Man Van’ – Get tested, it could save your life.

9 September 2024/by Andy Newbold

The High Sheriff tries Boccia & Biking at LinkAble Paralympics Community Fun Day.

28 August 2024/by Andy Newbold

Big Leaf Foundation Community Cricket Event.

17 August 2024/by Andy Newbold

The High Sheriff visits Guildford Magistrates Courts.

13 August 2024/by Andy Newbold

The Sun comes out in Sunbury with ‘Surplus to Supper’ at the High Sheriff’s Garden Party 2024.

26 July 2024/by Andy Newbold

Highest Award – ‘Chief Scout’s Gold Award’ presented to 34 Surrey Scouts!

16 July 2024/by Andy Newbold

Second Chance Charity Garden Party

15 July 2024/by Andy Newbold

A Great Day of Golf raises funds for the High Sheriff Youth Awards!

12 June 2024/by Andy Newbold

Lots of Great Lots in The High Sheriff of Surrey’s Golf Day 2024 Silent Auction – Get in quick to make a bid!

10 June 2024/by Andy Newbold

Remembering Our Heroes on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.

6 June 2024/by Andy Newbold


4 June 2024/by Andy Newbold

LinkAble – supporting people with a learning disability and autistic people to create the life they want to live. 

4 June 2024/by Andy Newbold

Royal Holloway University Welcomes Representatives from the Universities of Pakistan to Surrey.

22 May 2024/by Andy Newbold

Surrey Day 2024 – A Fantastic Day themed as ‘Surrey from the Sky’ (and very Blue it was too!) – Celebrating our County in Style.

15 May 2024/by Andy Newbold

Supporting Talented Musicians in the County – ‘The Cheryl King Trust’

27 April 2024/by Andy Newbold

Looking After the Graves of our Muslim Heroes on Eid Day

10 April 2024/by Andy Newbold

Eid Mubarak

10 April 2024/by Andy Newbold

Shahid Azeem DL is installed as High Sheriff of Surrey for 2024/2025

3 April 2024/by Andy Newbold

Police as first responders to Mental Health crises

21 March 2024/by Andy Newbold

St. Catherines Hospice

29 November 2023/by Andy Newbold

A World Class Institute Here in Surrey.

20 October 2023/by Andy Newbold

Annual Service for the Judiciary

10 October 2023/by Andy Newbold

The Very Reverend Dianna Gwilliams – Retirement Ceremony.

3 October 2023/by Andy Newbold

Challengers – An Enthusiastic Team Working Brilliantly & Caringly.

22 September 2023/by Andy Newbold

Surrey Fire Brigade – Outstanding Public Service!

5 September 2023/by Andy Newbold

Army Cadets – Great Military & Life Skills

8 August 2023/by Andy Newbold

Walking and Talking ‘Climate Change’ on the Hampton Estate.

30 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

‘Our Time’ – Prisoners creating inspiring art.

27 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

Amber – Transforming Lives.

27 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

Supporting Surrey’s Military Activities.

22 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

Joint Services Mattins at Guildford Cathedral

22 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

Oakleaf’s ‘Safe Haven’ – The Door its always open!

17 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

Meeting Surrey’s New Mayors

17 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

High Sheriff of Surrey Annual Golf Day raises 23,000 for Surrey youth Projects

2 June 2023/by Andy Newbold

The ‘High Sheriff Youth Awards’ Charity Auction!

31 May 2023/by Andy Newbold

The Knife Angel Events

27 March 2023/by Akiko Design

The Surrey Armed Forces Covenant Conference

15 March 2023/by Olivia Lucas

The Presentation Of High Sheriff Award Certificates

9 March 2023/by Olivia Lucas

An Angel Sculpted To Stop Violent Crimes

2 March 2023/by Olivia Lucas

The Woodhouse Centre

28 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas

The Runnymede Civic Awards

22 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas

Three High Sheriffs Visit Gatwick Airport

20 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas


18 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas

Royal Holloway 20th Anniversary Reception

15 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas

The Return Taste Match In Warwick Castle

11 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas

Primrose Lodge

7 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas


6 February 2023/by Olivia Lucas

The Meath Epilepsy Charity

11 January 2023/by Olivia Lucas

The Include Project

14 December 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Citizens Advice Mole Valley

12 December 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Helping The Victims Of Domestic Abuse

7 December 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Father Christmas At Painshill: A morning to remember

2 December 2022/by Olivia Lucas

A Law And Order Conference

23 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Mane Chance Sanctuary

21 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Chief Scout’s Gold Award Presentation

19 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Orpheus Silver Anniversary Gala

16 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Presentation Of The Elizabeth Cross And Memorial Scroll

15 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Remembering The Fallen

11 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Safe Drive Stay Alive

8 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Women’s Support Centre (Surrey) based in Woking

7 November 2022/by Olivia Lucas

A Taste Match At Denbies Wine Estate

30 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Royal British Legion Surrey Poppy Launch

28 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The High Sheriff of Surrey visits Royal Surrey

25 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Talk By Baroness Kennedy At The University Of Surrey

20 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Home-Start Guildford

12 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Service For The Judiciary

7 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Amber Project

5 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Surrey & Warwickshire – to go head to head in Inaugural Taste Match

5 October 2022/by Akiko Design

Guildford College

3 October 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Holy Cross Hospital

29 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

A Visit To Catalyst

28 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Police Care UK

27 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

High Sheriff Awards At Guildford Crown Court

26 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

KSS – Kent, Surrey And Sussex Air Ambulance

22 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Surrey Fire And Rescue Service Awards And Commendations

22 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Stanwell Events Community Project and Stanwell Foodbank

16 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Holme Farm Vision

15 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Proclamation of the Accession of His Majesty King Charles III

11 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

A Proclamation

11 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

A Morning Learning more about the Surrey Fire Service. An Afternoon Learning about the NPAS.

5 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Christopher’s – Shooting Star Hospice

1 September 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Guildford Fire Station Open Day

27 August 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Sutton Women’s Centre

21 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Neighbourhood Watch

20 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Commemoration Service Muslim Burial Ground Peace Garden

17 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Nuffield Health Woking Hospital 60th Anniversary

16 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Stanwell Family Centre

13 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Knaphill Community Fridge

11 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas


5 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas


2 July 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum

27 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Annual Garden Party

23 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Surrey Reserves Day 2022

22 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Surrey Hills Enterprises

21 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Epsom Flag Raising

20 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Surrey Joint Services’ Charities Service

19 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Mayor Of Godalming’s Tea Party

19 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

At the Fire Station in Walton on Thames

15 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Surrey Wellbeing Partnership

14 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Normandy Village Hall: Its Centenary and a Celebration of Community Life

13 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Brookwood Cemetery

10 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Honorary Fellows Ceremony

8 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Rape and Sexual Assault Support Centre

8 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Legally Powered

7 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Chief Constable’s Commendation Ceremony

7 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Westway Community and Wellbeing Centre 

7 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

High Sheriff Youth Award Charity Golf Day

6 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Hight Sheriff Youth Award Charity Golf Day

6 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Cobham Platinum Jubilee Day

4 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Cedar Court Care Home Platinum Party

2 June 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Surrey History Centre

31 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

I Choose Freedom – Our New Name

17 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Mayor of Guildford’s Civic Service

15 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Brooklands Innovation Academy

10 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Guildford Legal Walk

9 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Service of Thanksgiving

8 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Surrey Day

7 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Hope Hub

6 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Lighthouse In Woking

5 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

A visit to the Guildford County and Family Courts

5 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Investic International Music Festival Charterhouse

5 May 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Oasis Domestic Abuse Awareness Day

28 April 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Visit to Guildford Crown Court

25 April 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Firefighter Passing Out Ceremony, Wray Park Centre Reigate

24 April 2022/by Olivia Lucas

QEF Leatherhead Care and Rehabilitation Centre

21 April 2022/by Olivia Lucas


20 April 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons Thursday June 2nd 2022

14 April 2022/by Akiko Design

The Mayor of Elmbridge’s civic reception

6 April 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Helping the Young: East to West and Emerge Advocacy

5 April 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Lord Lieutenant presented National Honours today at Loseley House

29 March 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Action For Carers

26 March 2022/by Olivia Lucas

The Installation of The High Sheriff 2022

24 March 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Honour for Woking Police cadet Grace Harrison

23 March 2022/by Olivia Lucas

Dr Llewelyn shares last official visit with successor

23 March 2022/by Olivia Lucas