Annual Service for the Judiciary
The annual service for the Judiciary marks the beginning of the Judicial year. We had a wonderful service in The Holy Trinity Church in central Guildford. There was a strong representation from Surrey judges and magistrates as well as the police, charity and Civic leaders. The service was watched and enjoyed by a couple of classes of primary school children who were suitably enthusiastic and mischievous and clapped the procession as we passed them – some also prostrated themselves on the ground to the amusement of themselves and all! A very well organised, positive and wholesome event and a proper celebration for the judiciary who serve Surrey so well. Excellent hymn choice and very fine singing from the RGS choir. #surreyjudiciary #surreypolice #thesurreylieutenancy #guildfordcivichall #guildford #holytrinityguildford #surreycc #surreylive #surreymatters #guildfordcrowncourt #surreycadets #lawandorder #highsheriffofsurrey #highsheriff #highsheriffsassociation #bbcsurrey #andynewboldphotography #surreyadvertiser
Photography by @NewBoldPhotography