West Hill Golf Club in Brookwood, Woking is the venue for this year’s High Sheriff’s Golf Day which is set for the 11th June and there are still a couple of team spaces available!
This year’s stunning heathland course, designed in 1909, is lined with towering Scots pines and beautiful but treacherous heather guaranteeing a memorable and challenging day! Teams will compete for the Challenge Trophy, in a four-ball betterball Stableford competition with further “on course” competitions including a Hole in One opportunity to win £50,000 to be shared equally with the charity.
After breakfast, there will be a shotgun start with time to socialise after your round before a 3-course dinner, which will also involve a high- quality auction conducted to raise funds for our young people.
Last year’s event which was held at Kingswood Golf Club, raised in excess of £20,000 for the High Sheriff Youth Awards, established in 1993 by a committee of dedicated individuals which support the young people of Surrey.
The High Sheriff of Surrey is a Royal appointment which supports the Crown, the Judiciary, the Police, Fire and Ambulance Services, civic officers across the county, and Surrey charities and voluntary groups. Throughout the year long appointment the High Sheriff shines a light on these vital Surrey organisations and thanks the people involved for their commitment.
The Youth Awards scheme raises around £50,000 per annum, given in grants to those young persons who have produced the best projects about Law and Order, Crime Prevention and how to combat Anti-Social behaviour – with the aim of helping young people make Surrey safer and groups that support the wellbeing of young people in the county. The projects can be seen on www.surreyhighsheriff.org. The focus is upon helping vulnerable, at-risk young people, whose numbers have, sadly, increased in recent years due to the pandemic and cost of living crisis.
One example of where the money raised will go is the Surrey Care Trust and their STEPS Program.
STEPS is an Alternative Learning provision for 14–16-year-olds who have fallen out of mainstream education. Often, vulnerable young people with severe struggles in their lives face exclusion from school. This will simply compound their disadvantage. Instead, these struggling teenagers come to our STEPS Learning Centre in Goldsworth Park, Woking, where we provide them with a personalised, caring education that helps them get their lives back on track. The young people we support face a number of different disadvantages but have all ended up in a similar place: without STEPS’ support, they will not get an appropriate education by the time they enter adulthood.
STEPS was a last resort for Olly, whose social worker had been trying to help him turn his life. He hadn’t really attended school for almost a year, instead spending his time socialising with a group of bad influences who were often in trouble with the police for fighting, shoplifting, and stealing bikes and mopeds. In Olly’s own words: “I was in with the wrong people, and I was heading to prison at that point, If I look back to a year ago, it doesn’t really seem like that’s me. I’m a different person now.” Olly says the personal attention and support from STEPS ’staff is what changed him.
The High Sheriff of Surrey – Mr Shahid Azeem DL adds, “Last year’s event was a great success and I hope that this year it will be just as memorable. The venue near to Woking is one of the best courses in the Country and I am looking forward to this annual highlight in the High Sheriff’s calendar. There are not many spaces left so get in touch to come and enjoy a great day whilst supporting those young people who need it.”
A team of 4 players is £1,000, Non-playing dining guests are welcome at £65 each and if you would like to support the event you can sponsor a hole at £250 or bid for one of the fabulous auction prizes. Contactjulianwakeling@aol.com for more information.
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