Normandy Village Hall: Its Centenary and a Celebration of Community Life
On the evening of Monday 13th June the Chairman of SCC Mrs Helyn Clack, the Mayor of Guildford Mr Dennis Booth, Mr Jonathan Lord MP and members of the Hall and friends witnessed the inauguration of the Platinum Jubilee Bench, a magnificent oak bench made in Lanarkshire. Mr Ian Rose, a former Chairman of the Hall, and the High Sheriff together removed the cover of the bench. They were then the first to sit on it, both finding it very comfortable and the wood beautifully smooth.
This ceremony followed the Chair of the Hall, Roshan Bailey, summarising the history of the Hall and the Pilgrim Ringers performing “Proclamation” and “Celebration 70”, the latter having been especially written for this Jubilee. The High Sheriff congratulated the members of the Hall upon its centenary, remarking on what a fine building they have and what a thriving community lies behind its success as a community venue for so many local people.
He also reflected on the dedicated Life of Service Her Majesty the Queen has given to our country and the Commonwealth and the overwhelming affection in which she is held, as was evident from the joy of the nation over the days of celebration and the Bank Holidays. All will have their personal memories of the sovereign’s impact upon their lives, whether because of seeng her at events or just on the television. Everyone knows how important her life has been not just for her subjects and the stability of the country, but also for the success and prosperity of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. The Hall resounded to Three Cheers for Her Majesty the Queen.
A fine buffet was enjoyed before the Mayor cut the Celebration Cake (made by Gym Jams) which consisted of delicious fruit and marzipan.
Those present were able to look at exhibitions of Normandy historians and artists, of the Floral Design Club, and of the British Sugarcraft Guild and the Guildford ‘O’ Gauge Group. .
Long may this successful Village Hall continue to thrive.