Royal Holloway University Welcomes Representatives from the Universities of Pakistan to Surrey.
I was asked as High Sheriff of Surrey, and introduced as ‘THE First Muslim and only Pakistani High Sheriff appointed by Her Late Majesty and His Majesty The King as personal appointment’, to welcome the guests from Pakistan to Royal Holloway University as listed below.
I was very encouraged by the collaboration of Royal Holloway with the various Universities of Pakistan. I was then presented with two hats from the delegation. One is the he Sindhi cap, (locally called Sindhī ṭopī – a skullcap worn predominantly by Sindhis in Sindh, Pakistan) and the other one Afghan Pakol, These hats gained fame during the Afghan resistance against Soviet invasion in 1970s when they were worn by Afgan Mujaheddin (freedom Fighters).
It was real honour and pleasure to welcome the visitors from my place of birth to the County of Surrey which has been my home for most of my life. Hopefully additional relationships and partnerships can be developed for both countries and their universities as a result of this great event.

Muhammad Faisal Butt (Director General at NAHE Higher Education Commission, Islamabad)
Mehwish Jabbar (Deputy Director at NAHE Higher Education Commission, Islamabad)
Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood (Vice Chancellor of Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), Islamabad)
Prof. Dr. Murtaza Jafri (Vice Chancellor of National College of Arts, Lahore)
Dr. Maqsood Ahmad (Vice Chancellor of Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar)
Prof. Dr. Khalid Hafeez (Vice Chancellor of Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences, Quetta)
Dr. Ehsanullah Kakar (Vice Chancellor of University of Loralai, Loralai)
Prof. Dr. Shabir Ahmed Lehri (Vice Chancellor of Bolan University of Medical and Health Sciences, Quetta)
Prof. Dr. Zia ul Haq (Vice Chancellor of Khyber Medical University, Peshawar)
Prof. Muhammad Umar (Vice Chancellor Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi)
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ayaz (Vice Chancellor of King Edward Medical University, Lahore)
Prof. Khalid Masood Gondal, TI (Vice Chancellor of Fatima Jinnah Medical University, Lahore)
Prof. Dr. Khalid Mehmood Iraqi (Vice Chancellor of University of Karachi, Karachi)
Prof. Ikram Din Ujjan (Vice Chancellor of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro)
Prof. Dr. Asif Ahmed Shaikh (Vice Chancellor of Sukkur, IBA University, Sukkur)
Prof. Dr. Nusrat Shah (Vice Chancellor of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University (SMBBMU), Larkana)
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Farooque Hassan (Vice Chancellor of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University of Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Sakrand)
Prof. Dr. Tehmina Mangan (Vice Chancellor of Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women University, Sukkur)
Prof. Dr. Arabella Bhutto (Vice Chancellor of Shaheed Allah Bukhsh Soomro University of Art, Design & Heritages, Jamshoro)
Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari (Vice Chancellor of Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, Karachi)
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Khan (Vice Chancellor of Shifa Tameer e Millat University, Islamabad)
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf (Rector of The University of Lahore, Lahore)
Dr. Aurangzeb Khan (Vice Chancellor of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Dewan University, Karachi)
Prof. Dr. Wasim Qazi (Vice Chancellor of The Saifee Burhani University, Karachi)
Prof. Dr. Sumaira Rehman (Rector of The Superior University, Lahore)
Hamza Salim (Senior Manager – HE Partnership British Council)
Guests also included the visiting Vice-Chancellors and a number of Royal Holloway colleagues. The Vice-Chancellor (Prof Julie Sanders) and Provost (Prof Tracy Bhamra).
#royalhollowayuniversity, #highsheriffofsurrey, #NAHEHigherEducationCommissionIslamabad, #AllamaIqbalOpenUniversityAIOU)Islamabad, #NationalCollegeofArtsLahore, #BalochistanUniversityofEngineeringandTechnologyKhuzdar, #BalochistanUniversityofInformationTechnologyEngineeringandManagementSciencesQuetta, #UniversityofLoralaiLoralai, #BolanUniversityofMedicalandHealthSciencesQuetta, #KhyberMedicalUniversityPeshawar, #RawalpindiMedicalUniversityRawalpindi, #KingEdwardMedicalUniversityLahore, #FatimaJinnahMedicalUniversityLahore, #UniversityofKarachiKarachi, #LiaquatUniversityofMedicalandHealthSciencesJamshoro, #SukkurIBAUniversitySukkur, #ShaheedMohtarmaBenazirBhuttoMedicalUniversityLarkana, #ShaheedBenazirBhuttoUniversityofVeterinaryAndAnimalSciencesSakrand, #BegumNusratBhuttoWomenUniversitySukkur, #ShaheedAllahBukhshSoomroUniversityofArtDesignandHeritagesJamshoro, #FederalUrduUniversityofArtsScienceTechnologyKarachi, #ShifaTameereMillatUniversityIslamabad, #UniversityofLahore, #ShaheedBenazirBhuttoDewanUniversityKarachi, #SaifeeBurhaniUniversityKarachi, #TheSuperiorUniversityLahore, #HEPartnershipBritishCouncil, #pakistanuniversities #pakistaneducation, #pakistan