Annual Dinner for the Judiciary.
I was privileged to host the annual dinner for the Judiciary with a good attendance from Surrey judges and magistrates, the Lord Lieutenant, three previous High Sheriffs – and partners. It was great to be able to thank them for their service to the county and also for their hospitality to me over the past 7 or so months. The dinner was at the County Club in Guildford High Street – a hidden Surrey Institution. In 1200 There was a pub on the site of the Club – I wonder if any previous High Sheriffs enjoyed a drink there? #surreyjudiciary #thecountyclubguildford #highsheriffofsurrey #Surrey #surreylieutenancy #surreylive #bbcradiosurrey #surreyhillsradio #surreypolice #surreycc #surreymagistrates