Celebrating Gatwick – A World Class Airport.

A brilliant visit to Gatwick airport with High Sheriffs of East Sussex and West Sussex. We were well hosted by Stewart Wingate CEO and Alison Addy – head of external affairs. Happy memories for me from my time meeting with Gatwick as the Coast to Capital LEP Chair. Positivity and a can-do attitude remain firmly to the fore – very Proud to have a world class airport in our patch. Thanks also to the police and fire service for fascinating tours – who doesn’t like huge fire engines; police sniffer dogs and being shown around the firearms unit! We are well served by the airport and well protected. #gatwickairport #highsheriffofsurrey #highsheriffofeastsussex #highsheriffofwestsussex #coasttocapital #surreylieutenancy #surreylive #BBCradiosurrey #surreyhillscommunityradio #surreymatters  #highsheriffsassociation #londonandgatwickfireservice