Amazing Vocational Areas at St Piers College!

Assistant Principal, Franky (left), and Lead For Employability, Wendy (centre), proudly led a tour of the imaginative and inspiring vocational areas blossoming alongside the well established farm. All 110 students at the college will be able to become actively involved with a broad range of activities, from the new Tea Rooms (above – official opening in March) through to the excellent ‘Fleece to Fibre’ cabin where wool from the farm is processed and turned into imaginative articles for sale (just look at the impressive cushion in the photo!) Cllr Lesley Steeds (above) joined me for the visit, and we found out about the amazing ladies of the East Grinstead Spinners, who have kindly been guiding the St Piers College teachers in the almost forgotten art of spinning. I am assured that the ‘Spinners’ will be first on the list of guests to be invited to the opening!