Grand Opening of Drama Studio at Therfield School!
Chair of Governors, Rob Hart (right), and inspirational Headteacher, James Malley (second right) welcomed a packed house of family, friends and dignitaries (inc local councillor Joe Crome, left) to a stimulating ‘first night’ in the new Drama Studio. Drama Teachers, Steph (left) and Sofie (centre), had arranged four excellent performances by the students, including the renowned year 10 version of Macbeth much admired lately at the Swan Theatre itself. As James emphasised, the entire teaching and support staff at Therfield act as one large team, ensuring that all pupils are fully included in a broad range of activities. This was recognised in the recent ‘Good’ Ofsted visit which specifically recognised this powerful approach towards ‘inclusion’. Special thanks to Headteacher’s PA, Catherine, whose superb skills in terms of organisation, catering and photography (above) were much appreciated!