Are you a Pirate?
It is a truth universally acknowledged that every High Sheriff should pay a visit to his local infants / primary school – in full uniform plus sword. And it was my total pleasure to visit Ewhurst C of E infants school in my local village. I was charmingly hosted by the school council and the Headteacher Mr Jonathan Walters. There were some lovely questions and, of course, the children were intrigued by the sword and the 18th century court dress. I gave a very brief history of the Surrey Shrievalty and an insight into the present role of the High Sheriff championing our wonderful county and supporting the police and the judiciary. A very happy visit – thank you #ewhurstinfantsschool #ewhurst #Surrey #pirates #judiciary #surreylive #bbcradiosurrey #surreyhillsradio #thehighsheriffofsurrey #thesurreylieutenancy