Remembering our Heroes.

I was privileged to attend three different but all meaningful and poignant remembrance events and to lay wreaths on behalf of the Shrievalty. The first was at Surrey County Council, the second at Guildford cathedral and the third at the American Cemetery at Brookwood, Woking. I had a chance to reflect on the sacrifices made by so many to ensure our freedom and democracy. In particular, I remembered my maternal Grandfather Major Stanislaus Macartney (of the Royal Irish Fusiliers) Killed in Action in Holland in 1945. #remembrancesunday #lestweforget #brookwoodcemetary #surreycc #guildfordcathedral #surreylieutenancy #surreylive #surreymatters #bbcradiosurrey #surreyhillsradio #inremembrance