Cathedral Evensong Celebrates WRAC 70th Anniversary

Fine reward for braving last night’s blizzard as we enjoyed another very moving Choral Evensong led by Dean Dianna at the Cathedral last night! The service was in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Women’s Royal Army Corps (WRAC) and Col Ali Brown (below right) and Trustee Barbara (below left) welcomed all members and friends who had journeyed from across the country to join the event. Mayor and Mayoress of Guildford, Mike and Jean (above left and third left), joined the special photo with proud Chelsea Pensioner, Marjorie Cole (one of the first three women ever to join that fine body), and National (centre) and Regional (flanking) Standard Bearers from the WRAC. The picture below gives a feel for the wonderful commemorative windows in the Cathedral which feature the history of WRAC back through the ATS, QMAAC and WAAC. What an amazing journey, all the way from 1917, and still as strong and essential as ever!