Surrey Judiciary Appreciate Breadth of Law Related Teaching, Research & Volunteering

The annual Dinner for the Judiciary, held at Lakeside Restaurant at the University of Surrey(UoS), was the perfect opportunity to show-case the impactful work (teaching, learning, research and volunteering) associated with law which is undertaken across the county. Clockwise from top; The School of Law, UoS (research in jurisprudence, restorative justice and specific areas such as the Court environment); The Surrey Magistracy (additional volunteering activities such as ‘Magistrates in the Community’ and ‘Mock Trials’); The School of Law, Royal Holloway (highlighting their substantial volunteering efforts in the community) and The University of Law (explaining their excellent pro-bono work in Guildford). The High Sheriff’s Police Cadet, Naeel Radha, was on hand to assist in the presentation of well-deserved certificates of appreciation.