Thank you, Surrey Primary School Headteachers – Your 'Inclusive' Conference Was Much Appreciated!
It was a privilege and great pleasure to be invited by Primary Phase Chair, Kate Keane (second right) and Vice-Chair, Mary Ellen McCarthy (below, third right), together with my predecessor, Robert Napier (centre), to share our progress on our joint theme of ‘Shining a Light’ on the complex issue of Permanent Exclusions of pupils from our schools. We have been well supported by many professionals, including Anne Halliday (left), who is conducting longitudinal research on the topic, which will be continued over coming years to ensure that we understand the full impact on the lives of the children involved. Kate also invited Phil Minns, OfSTED Specialist Advisor and Lead for Surrey (right), who explained the new OfSTED Framework 2019, and provided illuminating professional insight into Exclusion and Challenging Behaviour. Our collective message above said it all: ‘You Can’t Delete A Child’, and we much appreciated this unique opportunity to share the views of our dedicated Headteachers – please keep the feedback coming!
Thanks must also go to the Mayor of Guildford, Mike Parsons (left); Jean Pinkerton, Mayor of Spelthorne (my left) and Helen Clack, Vice-Chairman, SCC, for their powerful support.