Introduction to HM Coroner's Court, Surrey


 The Chief Coroner of Surrey, Richard Travers, and the Area Coroner, Simon Wickens (above), generously found time in their hectic diaries to introduce me to life in our Coroner’s Court in Woking, and also provided an invaluable opportunity for me to briefly meet their highly impressive team of dedicated professionals. The ‘coroner’ is one of the oldest judicial roles in the country, and Richard, Simon, the Assistant Coroners and all of the Officers and staff, go to admirable lengths to ensure that bereaved love ones are put at the very heart of the system. The volunteers of the Coroners’ Courts Support Service also provide much appreciated emotional and practical support to bereaved families and other witnesses attending Court.

The building is modern and sympathetic to the needs of the members of the public using the service, but the real difference is made by the thoughtful contributions of every member of the team. An active recruitment process is currently underway to swell the ranks to meet the rising demand, and all interested applicants will be assured of a warm welcome!