1st Chertsey Scouts Topping-Out Ceremony
The 1st Chertsey Scout Group has been thriving for over 100 years and is soon to move to a brand new HQ, courtesy of generous help from the local council, and support from many local charities (Feoffees & Chertsey Market and Chertsey Combined Charities among them), businesses (Thorpe Park made the Group one of their charities of the year) and Rotary and Round Table bodies. Today’s topping-out ceremony was the perfect opportunity to present the High Sheriff Youth Awards certificate to Group Chairman Toby (centre), with proud Mayor of Runnymede, Dolsie Clarke, and HSYA assessor, Ron, joining in the celebrations. The HSYA financial support will help provide new camping equipment for the 130 plus young 6-14 year olds who will be calling this building home before too long!
And look how delighted today’s attendees were at the prospect, as they met with Mayor’s Consort, Brian Perry (second left);