CrimeStoppers UK Call Centre Always Available For 'Fearless Youth'
Ian Chandler, Chair of Voluntary Surrey CrimeStoppers Committee (left); Louise, Head of Contact Services Centre (right) and Emily, ‘Fearless Youth’ Outreach Worker (centre) joined Glenys Balchin, Regional Manager, Surrey & Sussex, in welcoming a ‘continuity’ of Surrey High Sheriffs, with Bridget Biddell, High Sheriff In Nomination (second left), keen to understand the excellent work undertaken by this national charity. Supervisor Tony, explained the impressive details behind the 24/7, 365 days/year operation of the Call Centre, and the role of the 50+ members of staff. The ‘Fearless Youth’ initiative was of particular interest, given the specific intent to reach 11-16 year olds, who need the security of guaranteed anonymity for which CrimeStoppers has been famous for the last thirty years. An inspired initiative which will be closely followed and supported by the Surrey Shrievalty!