National Crimebeat Awards – Advice from Tamara Cooper at Surrey Police
Tamara is Public Protection Strategic Manager, and received a Chief Constable’s Commendation earlier in the year for her impactful work in adapting the ‘Total Respect’ course (run by the Children’s Rights Service) for use within Surrey Police. This powerful initiative called upon young people who have experience of living in care to deliver the content and to raise the issues affecting ‘looked after’ children. Over 450 police officers and staff attended the training towards the end of 2017, including Deputy Chief Constable, Gavin Stephens, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. There is no doubt that such excellent work is the stuff of further Awards nominations – National Crimebeat watch this space!
We are pictured (courtesy of great photographic skills from Jude, Tamara’s PA!) in the Surrey Police Memorial Garden, another of Tamara’s projects, which she completed with her ‘Saturday Gardening Club’ of students from Merrist Wood College. Great volunteering effort!