The Mission & Vision of Charlie’s Promise

The High Sheriff met the founders of ‘Charlies Promise’ to find out more about their fight against the rising issue of knife crime in the UK and to help them raise awareness of the dangers of both carrying and using a knife.

CEO & Founder, Martin Cosser said of the visit, “We at ‘Charlie’s Promise’ were privileged to have the opportunity to meet The High Sheriff of Surrey – Shahid Azeem DL, and the Mayor of Farnham – Councillor Brodie Mauluka who is also supporting our Charity this year.  Shahid took the time to listen to our tragic story about the unnecessary loss of our beautiful son Charlie and the work we’ve been doing in the Home Counties to educate young people about the dangers and immeasurable impacts of knife crime. He pledged to help us as much as he can in raising awareness and profile, which will enable us to grow and fulfil our Charity Objectives.

Charlie’s family and friends have created a website to educate people on the consequences of carrying knives and also offer support to families of victims of knife crime. (

Whilst Charlie was on life support, his Dad Martin made the most important promise of his life. He whispered in Charlie’s ear and promised him he would make it his life’s work to do everything he can to raise awareness of knife crime and the immeasurable damage it causes to the victim and their family and friends. 

If it can happen to Charlie, a young lad who didn’t like arguments and avoided trouble – he preferred silly dancing and making people laugh – it can happen to anyone.  

The High Sheriff said of the visit, “This is one visit that I wish was not necessary because no parent should ever lose a child to something as senseless as knife crime. It was extremely sad and emotional to learn how a teenager Like Charlie who goes to a party, never came back home to his family. There can nothing in life that is worse than having to bury your child. I urge people to visit the ‘Charlies Promise’ website and make themselves aware of the dangers of carrying knives and help Martin fulfil his promise to his son by educating their children. If you can support by fundraising too please do and I applaud the work done by Charlie’s brave family and friends so that other people do not have to endure the pain they have gone through. I too believe we are stronger together – when we work together we can achieve so much more.