A Gathering of High Sheriffs!
It was a pleasure for Georgie and I to host a Regional meeting of present High Sheriffs and the next two High Sheriffs for Surrey, West Sussex, East Sussex, Kent and Greater London. Along with quite a few partners, Andrew Tuggey of the High Sheriffs Association and Margaret Miles of National Crimebeat. We had a wonderful turn-out of 14 of a possible 15 High Sheriffs and High Sheriffs in nomination. It was a warm and happy occasion with top tips and lessons learned shared. The commitment of everyone to doing a good job and making a difference was inspiring. We all Particularly enjoyed Listening to Caroline Breckell who has been Under Sheriff of Surrey for several years – her topic “What Makes a good and not so good High Sheriff” – strictly no names mentioned! And utter soul of discretion of course. #highsheriffsassociation #nationalcrimebeat #thehighsheriffofwestsussex #thehighsheriffofkent #thehighsheriffofsurrey #thehighsheriffofgreaterlondon #thehighsheriffofsurrey