Awarding our Amazing Citizen’s Advisors.

I was delighted and humbled to be asked by Tim Prideaux to say a few words and hand out long service awards at the Citizens Advice Mole Valley (CAMV) Annual Public meeting at Denbies. I was struck by the warm and friendly atmosphere and impressed by the deep expertise of the volunteers. They help thousands of people each year who are trying to deal with complex money, legal and other issues. 80% of people who tune to the CAMV say the advice has helped which is a hugely positive percentage and represents a great good for our area. Thank to Tim who Chaired very wittily and to Alison Boyd the CEO. Also, well done and thank you to the volunteers who have given so much of their time – there were many 10 year awards and two 25 year awards – amazing work! #molevalleycitizensadvice #citizensadvice #volunteers #surreyuk #molevalley #thehighsheriffofsurrey #thesurreylieutenancy #bbcradiosurrey #surreyhillsradio #surreylive #denbiesvineyard