Wonderful things happen in this house!
I visited Catalyst at their offices on a residential road in Woking and was hosted by Chair Warren Rocket and CEO Sue Murphy. I met the excellent Shifa team who teach women English as a foreign language, and then the Alpha social enterprise that looks after 36 very vulnerable people who fall between other services. I then was introduced to a new course which aims to help mentally unwell people de escalate when an acute mental breakdown is looming – this is important work and close to my Shrieval theme – I’ll be following up in the New Year. The best of Good luck in this tricky area. Catalyst are an outstanding Surrey charity doing superb work. https://www.instagram.com/catalyst_support/ https://www.catalystsupport.org.uk #catalystsupport #mentalhealthsupport #wellness #woking #surreycharity #thehighsheriffofsurrey #thesurreylieutenancy #surreyuk #surreylive #bbhcradiosurrey #surreyhillsradio #Guildford #healthandwellbe