Woking schoolchildren win International Day of Peace Awards
Woking People of Faith invited Dr Llewelyn to join the Mayor of Woking, Councillor Liam Lyons, in announcing the International Day of Peace 2021 Awards winners at a ceremony held on Zoom.
International Day of Peace takes place annually on 21 September. Woking People of Faith organises a competition for primary schools in Woking and asks the children to write a poem or design a poster.
This year’s theme was ‘What is causing climate change and what can people of faith do to help solve it?’ and the organisers received hundreds of entries from seven schools.
Cllr Lyons announced the poster category winners for years 3, 4 and 5, while Dr Llewelyn announced the winners of the poetry category in the same year groups. Children from Send CofE Primary School, Barnsbury Primary School, New Monument Primary School, and St John’s Primary School all received awards for their poems.
The 45-minute event included an introduction by Simon Trick and Kawther Hashmi from Woking People of Faith, a pre-recorded climate change song by Send Church of England Primary School pupils, and featured questions and answers from a panel from RHS Wisley.