Outstanding Service to the 2nd Hamsey Green Scout Group Recognised!
It is always a great pleasure for the High Sheriff to be able to recognise outstanding volunteering in the local community and today I joined Chair of Tandridge, David Cooley with Consort Pam, in surprising Janice Simpson, courtesy of her daughter Kirsty who arranged for us to meet during my visit to Hamsey Green Primary School. Janice has supported and encouraged countless numbers of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts over the years at the 2nd Hamsey Green Scout Group. She is totally dedicated to ensuring that the small group continues to provide this essential facility for the local young people, as it has been doing for over 60 years. When there was a possibility that it would have to close a few years ago, Janice raised funds, encouraged new membership and roped the family (both daughter Kirsty and son-in-law!) in to help. It is now thriving – all thanks to Janice’s remarkable determination and sense of service to the community. Janice – the young people of Hamsey Green and Warlingham salute you, as do the Chairman of the District and the High Sheriff!