Goldsworth Primary School – Determined to be 'Inclusive'!

Headteacher, Gill (centre), and Assistant Head & Senco, Alison, shared their plans for doing all they can to welcome the growing number of children with EHCPs choosing Goldsworth Primary because of their acknowledged success with children who have additional educational needs. Such an impressive approach requires extra resources dedicated to ensuring that staff numbers are at the right level and special training is provided as required – not an easy task in the current budget-restrained times. Gill and Alison are finalising their thoughts and have asked that all possible High Sheriff ‘connections’ are utilised with relevant charities and other Heads successfully adopting such pragmatic but inclusive agendas – they will indeed be made!

I was fortunate to meet the Pupil Parliament, who provided some brilliant, thought provoking input – watch out for another blog over the coming days with the photos!