HMP Bronzefield – Directly Benefiting Residents

Governor Ian Whiteside and Managing Chaplain, Marcel McLaren, welcomed Tony Samuels, Chairman of SCC, the High Sheriff and the High Sheriff’s Chaplain, Revd Alan Jonas, to an insightful and detailed introduction to the largest women’s prison in the UK. HMP Bronzefield has a large number of ‘local’ residents processing through the courts system; approx 25% who are sentenced and awaiting transfer to women’s training prisons (such as HMP Down View and HMP Send) and the remainder of Restricted Status from across England. There is also a mother/baby unit, with plans for an ‘open prison’ unit on site in the future.

The most impactful memories will be of the impressive ‘Diversity Team’ within the Chaplaincy area, and the discussion with one resident who has secured employment on release in 2020 through her dedication to the opportunity grasped within the on-site call centre in the Activities Block. I look forward to delivery of my framed material-based picture, purchased from ‘Jailbirds’, who had a recent sellout of their creative products following the recent performance of ‘Sweet Charity’ (led by Pimlico Opera)!