Celebrating Diversity in Woking!
The Mayor of Woking, Will Forster, and Mayoress, Hannah Thompson, arranged a wonderful Civic Celebration this afternoon, celebrating diversity and inclusion within the Borough. Will and Hannah received great support from Revd Lucy Brierly, Head Imam, Hafiz M Hashmi, Revd Jonathan Thomas and the Chairman of Woking People of Faith, Simon Trick.
In addition the large gathering were superbly entertained by music students from Woking High School, the Epworth Choir and brilliant Lion Dancing and a Tai Chi Fan Dance from members of the Chinese Association of Woking.
A moving reading of a personal poem entitled ‘Why I Love Woking’ from Westfield Primary School won lengthy applause, while Will’s charities for his year, The York Road Project and Woking & District MENCAP were powerfully represented.
All in all, a memorable afternoon – well done Woking!