Ash Manor Revisited
I was keen to revisit this school in Ash, along with my Chaplain, as last time there was not the opportunity to have a proper conversation with the Head Teacher or look round the school. This time we did both and I also addressed an Assembly of 250 of the 950 11-16 year olds at the school. The Head, the wonderfully Scottish and inspirational Agnes Bailey (on the right in the picture, on the left, Miss Nicholls runs the unit for children with special educational needs) has only been in post for just over two years and has made a real difference to the School which was known by some locally as Trash Manor. No longer! A lot of staff changes, clear boundaries for discipline, relentless focus on teaching standards and a lot of support for children with learning difficulties and those with disciplinary issues. This was a very appropriate school to be my last school blog in my Shrieval year. I wish Agnes and her staff all continued success.