
I am taking an interest as High Sheriff  in the issues surrounding young people being excluded, and being at risk of exclusion, from Surrey Schools. All very topical: headline in the Times: “Half of expelled pupils are mentally ill” which reported that more than half of prisoners have been excluded from school.  Yesterday I visited the North East Surrey Short Stay School (NESSS) in Staines. NESSS provides 60 full time places for permanently excluded pupils and those at risk thereof. These young people will typically stay at NESSS  for 12 weeks receiving individual programmes of education developing their academic and social skills with a focus on their emotional development. The objective is that they attain the confidence to return to and remain at a mainstream school. On the curriculum is home economics including constructing  this pizza oven and cooking us a delicious lunch. The inspiring and committed head teacher is Michelle Blackman who is making a real difference to the life prospects of all these


young people.