Judicial Service No 1
This morning was the Service for the Judiciary of Surrey held in Holy Trinity Church in Guildford. We processed from the Guildhall to the Church for the Service and back again down the High Street with a Civic Procession led by the Mayor of Guildford and the High Sheriff’s Procession led by the Chief Constable as in the pictures, with my chaplain and the judges. The Service included the invitation from the Chief Constable to me as High Sheriff to reaffirm the promise I made at my Installation including the challenging words: “I will well and truly behave myself in my Office”. Also a powerful Declaration of Commitment to Public Service read by Cate Newness-Smith, the Chief Executive of Surrey Youth Focus. The Mayor of Guildford kindly hosted a reception in the Guildhall afterwards. Thank you to everybody involved in making this a very special day, in particular the Revd Cannon Robert Cotton of Holy Trinity, the Surrey Youth Choir and the amazing trumpeters who rather stole the show!