Heathrow Charity
The words Heathrow and “charity” don’t naturally fly together. But there is the Heathrow Community Fund which does just that. Funded by the Airport and by noise fines paid by the airlines this is a charity with an annual income of over £800,000 providing grants to charities and communities surrounding Heathrow. There is a focus on youth, the environment and bringing communities together. Relevant to Surrey is their support for activities in the Boroughs of Runnymede and Spelthorne. For example, in Stanwell they have supported a sports club, a community radio station, a village hall and a primary school outdoor learning centre. Really worthwhile interventions for one of the Priority Places of Surrey. The boss of the Fund, Beccy Bowden well respected for her previous role at SATRO, welcomes approaches for funding from relevant causes in these two Boroughs. www.heathrowcommunityfund.com